Euro Winners Cup 2024 – Women – Day 2 round-up

Teams continued to compete for crucial group stage points

Group stage action continued in the Euro Winners Cup 2024 – Women in Nazaré…


Group A
Pozoalbaense win 3-2 against ACD O Sótão.
Pozoalbaense took the lead as Scadding put the ball into the net for the Spanish side, one minute later it was two. Dum was the goalscorer as Pozoalbaense goes 0-2 up.

The closing stages of the second period and Sótão halved the deficit to put them back within a shout of winning, Santos was the goalscorer with the scoreline 1-2 going into the final 12 minutes of the game.

The final period of the game and Joana Flores equalised early on for Sótão. Less than one minute later Pozoalbaense retook the lead via Nora De Torres. The Spanish side took all three points after beating the local Portuguese side.

Riga FC win 6-4 against BSC Batumi.
It was Riga who took first blood as Dubytska slots the ball home, Batumi scored two quick goals as Shainidze and Artmeladze scored to put Batumi in front. Vypasniak equalised but Kostiuk retook the lead for Riga with two minutes left of the first period. Riga continued to score and Suvitra put her side 2-4 up. With 26 seconds remaining Suvitra scored her second of the game to see Riga cruising to victory with 12 minutes left to play.

The final period and Tavartkiladze scored to make it 3-5 with two minutes left of play. Fortunately for Riga, Dubytska restored their three-goal lead with 45 second left of play as Shainidze scored again.

The game ended as Riga won 6-4.

Group B
Minots de Marseille win 6-1 against Estoril Praia.
Estoril made it 1-0 as Mariana Prazeres scored the opening goal of the first period. With two minutes left, Medeiros Sa De Paula equalised to end the first period at 1-1.

The first two minutes of the second period and Minots de Marseille took the lead courtesy of Souici to give the French side the advantage. A two-goal lead opened as Medeiros Sa De Paula scored her second of the game and Marseille’s third. Nagel ended the goal scoring for the second period as she put her side 4-1 up with 12 minutes left to play.

Medeiros Sa De Paula scored her hat trick and Marseille’s fifth of the game before Souici scored the sixth goal with five minutes left of play.
The French team held on to their lead and picked up all three points.

CD Higicontrol win 11-0 against ACD O Sótão B.
Two early goals for Higicontrol and for Andrea Mirón. The Spanish team extended their lead against local side Sótão B as Laura Gallego put her side 3-0 ahead. Barbara added a fourth in the first period.

The second period and it was Barbara again who scored to make it 5-0 to Higicontrol. A second goal in the game for Laura Gallego put the Spanish side 6-0 up. Sara Tui added her name to the scoresheet with a beautiful goal to put Higicontrol further in front. The scoring of the second period didn’t end there as Miralles scored the eighth goal and Laura Gallego completed her hat trick to put them 9-0 in front.

Into the final period and it was Miralles with her second of the game and Higicontrol’s 10th of the day, as Okoniewska netted the 11th.

The game ended with a dominant win from CD Higicontrol.

Group C
Lady Terracina win 3-1 on penalties against SandGames, after a 5-5 draw in the match.
Sandgames took first blood in the first period as Meza scored before Ferrazza equalised to take both sides into the second period level pegging.

Laine retook the lead for Sandgames during the second period to make it 2-1. Pettenuzzo scored for Lady Terracina to make it 2-2. Sandgames hit back once again with Pocinho before Santos scored for Lady Terracina. The score changed once again with Jane who scored for Sandgames to take them into the lead going into the third period.

The third period kicked off and Ferrazza scored but straight from kick off Luana scored for Sandgames. With eight minutes left Poli once again equalised for the Italian side.

The game required extra time and penalties with Lady Terracina winning 3-1 on penalties.

Mazarron win 4-3 on penalties against Marseille BT, after a 5-5 draw in the match.
The opening goal came for Marseille BT as Wiard scored to open her account for the day and make it 1-0 to Marseille. 15 seconds later and it was Mulero at the back stuck the ball past the goalkeeper to level the game. Patri took Mazarrón in front but three seconds after, Barboza levelled the game again.

Into the second period and it was that woman Wiard who scored again, her second of the game to put Marseille BT 3-2 ahead.

Patri equalised for Mazarron however, straight from kick off, Saki scored to restore the French side’s lead. Two quick goals from Patri to complete her hat trick and fourth of the game. The tie went into overtime because of the sides being level. No side found a way in extra time so went to penalties.

Mazarron won 4-3 on penalties.

Group D
BSZ Ladies win 6-3 against Recreativo de Huelva.
Lydia scored the first goal for BSZ with 20 seconds left of the first period. The Dutch team took a slim lead into the next period. Early in the second period it was Huelva with the equaliser as Marin scored to level the game. Maria then gave her side the lead 30 seconds after her team equalised. BSZ equalised through Agostina to make the game 2-2. Huelva took the lead through a second goal by Marin and later extended the lead as Eva added her name to the scoresheet.

The scoreline was all to play for in the final period. In the final period, Marin scored her hat-trick to put Huelva 5-2 ahead. Agostina scored to make it 5-3 but a header from Eva made sure her team took all three points.

The Spanish team picked up all three points after a challenging game with BSZ Ladies.

Isle of Wight win 3-1 on penalties against GD Ilha, after a 2-2 draw in the match.
Isle of Wight made the breakthrough as Phillips scored the first goal of the game in the first period. Vasquez made it 0-2 for the English team as they take a 2-0 lead into the second period.

The second period and GD Ilha pulled a goal back through Inês Bastos with it all to play for in the final 12 minutes.

The final 12 minutes of the game and it was that woman Inês Bastos with the equaliser. The game was wide open and all to play for.
The game went to extra time and penalties. Isle of Wight beats Ilha 1-3 on Penalties.

Group E
Fun and Learning win 4-3 against Cagliari BS.
The first period saw one goal which went the way of Cagliari and Bastos scored for the Italian team to give them the advantage going into the second period.

Fun and Learning hit back in the second period as Arseneault scored the equaliser. The two teams went into the final 12 minutes with it all to play for.

The final 12 minutes and it was Cagliari who took the advantage with two goals from Bastos and Tai. Lorena struck a goal back for Fun and Learning with two minutes left in the final period. In the final minute Fun and Learning equalised through Amaral.

The final period and Lorena Scored her seond goal of the game to give Fun And Learning an important win after coming back against Cagliari.

AD Pastéis win 3-2 against Red Devils Ladies Chojnice.
It was an equal first period where both teams couldn’t make a breakthrough however in the second period it was the Red Devils who took the lead with a goal from Gozdek. A second goal of the game as Sudyk scored for Red Devils to double their lead.

The third period and AD Pastéis scored to make it 2-1, Milene the goalscorer. Pastéis turned the game around with two quick goals by Sil to give the Portuguese side the lead.

The game ended with a stunning third period comeback from AD Pastéis to take all three points.


Group A
ACD O Sótão 2-3 Pozoalbaense
BSC Batumi 4-6 Riga FC

Group B
Estoril Praia 1-6 Minots De Marseile
CD Higicontrol 11-0 ACD O Sótão B

Group C
SandGames 5-5 Lady Terracina (Lady Terracina win 3-1 on penalties)
Marseille BT 5-5 Mazarron (Mazarron win 4-3 on penalties)

Group D
BSZ Ladies 3-6 Recreativo de Huelva
GD Ilha 2-2 Isle of Wight (Isle of Wight win 3-1 on penalties)

Group E
Cagliari BS 3-4 Fun and Learning
AD Pastéis 3-2 Red Devils Ladies

Group F
SC Rappiranhas 0-6 Enpie Malaga
AD Nazaré 2022 2-0 Cevennes

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