Esposito?s energy in debut boosts Italy

Massimiliano Esposito could hardly imagine a better take off in this new stage as the Italian head Coach. The Azzurri got rid of Hungary with an uncontestable 5-0 victory and lifted the Cup in the III Memorial Igor Crescentini, held last Sunday, August 1st, in the Italian village of Cervia (Ravenna). The best for the Transalpine, though, was not the Cup, nor the wide victory, but the image they offered against such a competitive squad as the Magyar.


After some bittersweet performances, Italy went back into that smashing side that gives no option to their opponent. Precisely this was the receipt that brought this last victory for them. Although the Italians could not unlevel the score until the end of the first period, thanks to a great attempt by Longo, the match was absolutely under their control. This precisely was set clear when they extended their advantage at the second time, to finish the game with three new goals at the last period.


Italy played solidly again, leaving no cracks for Hungary. This time, De Celis strategy got absolutely disarmed by the Azzurri, and Hungary saw their options more and more remote as minutes went by.




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