Proper Beach Soccer training, by Ramiro Amarelle

With some months yet to go to the beginning of the European season, the teams and players are already in one of the most important stages of their physical training. Training in Beach Soccer is everything. Getting to one’s best shape is crucial in such a demanding sport, and collective training is not enough to reach the level. The team sessions need to be completed with individual work, so to get the body ready for the fight. One of the best players in the world, Spanish starman Ramiro Amarelle, explains us the way he does it.

First thing we need to do when planning a proper individual training, according to Spanish number 10, is the competition calendar. This way, we will be able to efficiently combine the training sessions, single or double, the resting time, and the diet.

After a holiday stage, first steps need to be focused on the exercises to readapt our body to the training. This work has to combine training in the gym and on the beach. Every player needs to take the best advantage out of the gym routines, to strengthen muscles both in the upper and lower body. This will enable the player to get ready for the demanding training sessions and will earn him/her a better recovery capacity.

Training sessions on the sand need to be even more complete. The work needs to aim at improving not only the physical shape, but the technical skill and the tactical knowledge. This is why it is highly advisable to involve the ball in every exercise to be performed, as the Spaniard skipper recommends. Depending on the objectives and the season stage, the range of beach training within a week can vary from 3 to 9 sessions.

Besides, it is also important, Amarelle recalls, to do a proper job on injury prevention and correct stretching exercises, as well as to add to our routine other activities that may help us improve our fitness and aerobic capacity such as eleven-a-side or seven-a-side football matches.

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